About Us

Trellis is the first Identity Agent. We work for you--and only you.

Trellis: The First Identity Agent

Trellis Software, Inc. created the first Identity Agency in 2022.

An Identity Agency is an organization that performs identity verification, validation, and secure sharing services as well as secure communication services working entirely on behalf of the identity owner.

This is a big departure from the more traditional identity management relationships that exist today where 3rd parties obtain owner information and share it, outside of identity owner control, on behalf of a merchant.

Benefits of the Identity Agency model start with complete transparency of all findings back to the owner of the identity, something that is not possible with more traditional service model. The Identity Agent user also retains complete control over when, where, and how your data is exchanged.

Once exchanged, that relationship is monitored for usage providing more security and transparency for the identity owner. Should the identity owner wish to take back their data, no system is easier than the Trellis Identity Agent. Just unclick the link between an identity and a merchant—and Trellis will take care of the rest.

When identity information needs to be shared or validated, merchants can obtain only the necessary information through a secure portal or shared via secure link. The underlying data is not shared directly and is only shared using Trellis secure-share methods.

With the Identity Agent, long gone are the days of sending multiple copies of your sensitive information to many different places. Trellis makes it possible to take back control of this information and keep it secure.

Communications are another big advantage of the Trellis Identity Agent model. Unlike the traditional identity model used today, Trellis maintains a continuous relationship with the identity owner through the identity agent portal. Identity owners can securely communicate with, or receive important communications from, merchants that they have shared their identity information with.

These communications can be grouped by merchant and are performed completely outside email. This means no more spam, cluttered inboxes, lost or redirected emails.

